From The Denver Post:
AFC Championship
The Denver Post
KKTV viewers were deprived of seeing approximately four minutes of the first quarter of last Sunday’s AFC Championship game due to a computer crash.
The glitch occurred in a KKTV computer, according to KKTV general manager Nick Matesi. “It could happen to anybody, anytime.” There are about 30 pieces in the chain between CBS and the local station, many have redundancy. “A piece failed, all you can do is take it out of the mix. I give our guys credit for fixing it so quickly. Obviously that doesn’t diminish the frustration that hundreds of thousands of people, including myself, felt during that time.”
The station’s newsroom “lit up, our Facebook page blew up*It’s a general manager’s nightmare come true,” Matesi said.
Let’s just hope this sort of thing doesn’t happen to a Colorado Fox station next week, on Feb. 2, when it would spark riots in the streets.