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Colorado Media Newsroom
December 22nd, 2022, 09:11 AM
From Talkers:

By Walter Sabo
Talk Show Host

https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sabowalterwriter.jpg (https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sabowalterwriter.jpg)NEW YORK — Radio?s impact on thought leadership and popular trends is profound. As a national medium we barely have any recordings, transcriptions or catalogs of our talents’ comedy, observations or opinions. For*legitimate reasons many companies have refused to keep air checks ? at least for more than seven days! *Consider how many times your station has been called for an air check and how quickly we say that we have none. No other medium behaves as though its work is disposable. The message is: It?s disposable and*therefore not valuable.
As a medium we don?t keep an archive of our work. We don?t take pictures. Radio?s content is in fact so urgent, so filled with cultural touch points that our past broadcasts would be the best way for a historian to understand a moment in time and for clues to future human behavior.

Jean Shepherd, author/narrator of the movie A Christmas Story, was a radio star on WOR, New York from 1957-1974. One of his 1967 predictions was prompted by the end of the AM/FM simulcast rules. When AMs and FMs could no longer simulcast 100% of their*programming, Shepherd said,*?Watch, one day all music programming will be on FM and all spoken word will be on AM.?

Today?s news: In 2022, 73% of mass shootings are carried out by single, white men. Why?

Shepherd explained the importance of a person?s role in society relative to their behavior and actions.
He said that people under 18 have a coveted, protected role. They are fed, housed and educated.
Women have an exalted role as long as they can reproduce. *Members of ethnic minority groups
are culturally essential and protected by unique laws.*But,*a white man with no wife, children, military affiliation has no role.*People with no role in society will seek excitement in all of its forms.
(Hartwest audio books.https://www.amazon.com/Jean-Shepherd-Classic-Radio-Humor/dp/0978997301)

https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1-tbugk.jpg (https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1-tbugk.jpg)
Walter Sabo hosts and produces “STERLING ON SUNDAY,” 10:00 pm -1:00 am ET.
walter@sabomedia.com (https://www.talkers.commailto:walter@sabomedia.com). www.waltersterlingshow.com (http://www.waltersterlingshow.com/)


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