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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 11th, 2024, 11:00 AM
    From Radio Online: Key Networks has been selected as the ad sales representation partner for VSiN, The Sports Betting Network. Key Networks will connect brands and agencies with VSiN's audio content, featuring the latest in sports wagering news, analysis and data from broadcasters and betting experts. VSiN current;y provides More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 11th, 2024, 10:21 AM
    From Radio Online: Audacy Podcasts inks a strategic partnership with storytelling nonprofit The Moth to handle sales and distribution for the organization's podcast, including video, social and sponsorships for live events. To date, The Moth's podcasts have been brought to listeners in partnership with PRX. PRX will continue More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 11th, 2024, 07:20 AM
    From Radio Insight: Key Networks has been selected as ad sales rep for Sports Betting network VSiN. Key Networks will “connect brands and agencies with VSiN?s popular audio content, featuring the latest in sports wagering news, analysis, and data from award-winning broadcasters and betting experts – and to the avid sports fans, betting enthusiasts, and consumers who passionately engage with VSiN content 24/7.” VSiN CEO Bill Adee said, ?As we head into our busiest season, we?re focused on rapidly expanding advertising and distribution partnerships, while continuing to deliver the most credible sports betting content available anywhere. The team at Key Networks is familiar with our groundbreaking network and innovative solutions for advertisers who want to reach our highly-desirable audience. We look forward to tapping their deep audio knowledge, experience and relationships to help accelerate our growth.? Key Networks COO Dennis Green commented, “Key Networks is excited to announce an ad sales partnership with VSiN which is a brand synonymous with providing the best programming content in the sports betting arena. VSiN continues to build this brand with great talent and an executive team that is widely respected in the world of sports. Key Networks prides itself on bringing the biggest and best brands to the marketplace and with VSiN we continue that practice.? Key President of Sales Ron Russo added, “As we venture through the intersection of sports and culture, the team here at Key couldn?t be more excited to add this legendary sports betting network to our lineup as we continue to offer our advertisers compelling and creative marketing solutions.? More details about the partnership are at more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 11th, 2024, 06:10 AM
    From Radio Insight: Amaturo Sonoma Media CHR “Hot 101.7” KHTH Santa Rosa CA has tabbed ‘Nicki G’ Rivas as its new morning host. It marks a return for Nicki to Santa Rosa as she previously hosted middays on Sinclair CHR “Y100.9” KSXY from 2011 to 2016. Rivas began her career as an intern at Audacy CHR “107.9 The End” KUDL and hosted weekends there from 2015-19, while holding sales and then production roles at that cluster from 2016-19. She takes the slot that had been held by Jeff Woodworth until his exit this summer. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 10:50 PM
    From Radio Online: Mentoring and Inspiring Women in Radio (MIW), in conjunction with Beasley Media Group, will hold an upcoming Digital Sales Webinar. The event will feature three industry leaders and innovators in the digital space: Beasley Media Group Chief Revenue Officer Tina Murley, Audacy SVP of Digital Media Sales and More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 05:20 PM
    From Radio Insight: iHeartMedia, the No. 1 audio company in the United States with 9 out of 10 Americans listening to iHeart broadcast radio every month, in partnership with bestselling author and podcaster Malcolm Gladwell?s Pushkin Industries, today released the findings from its second annual study, ?The New American Consumer 2.0.? The study, which found that nearly half of Americans (44 percent) feel ignored by*advertisers,*highlights the stark differences between a large group of Americans and the personal beliefs and values of the marketers that are trying to reach them with products and services*? and provides insights to help marketers avoid the pitfalls of their own biases to understand and better serve these key audience segments. According to the Fortune Global 500,*the world’s 500 largest companies posted near flat aggregated revenues in 2024. The research, conducted by Morning Consult, Advertiser Perceptions and Critical Mass Media, highlights how*a*disconnect between the average marketer?s life and*that of*the average consumer*can*sometimes impact marketers?*efforts to*effectively connect to and*reach all important consumer segments*in ways that help all consumers feel seen and heard. For example,*in one finding,*the research showed that consumers are much more likely to enjoy hunting, fishing and buying lottery tickets, while in contrast, pickleball and tennis top the list of activities marketers find cool. ?We marketers have more data at our fingertips than ever before, yet almost half of American consumers are feeling ignored,? said Gayle Troberman, CMO, iHeartMedia. ?As marketers, we have to be careful not to let our personal perception guide our marketing decisions. This study lays out where our perception matches the marketplace and where there are major differences — so we can use that information to make new and better decisions about maximizing the appeal of our products to all consumers, not just those who align with our own perceptions and values.? The study found 72 percent of consumers don?t want to buy products from brands that are ignoring them, and 75 percent would even be willing to pay a little more to support a brand that shares their values. ?As marketers, we need to be reminded that*we are not the target for most of our marketing campaigns,? added Troberman. ?There?s a big opportunity to improve marketing results with a more conscious focus on the real-life influences that the majority of consumers rely on — and*by more accurately reflecting our*customers?*real values, passions and priorities.? In another key finding, the study revealed*that consumers are increasingly feeling ?creeped out? by marketers? reliance on hyper-targeting, data and AI*—*with 67 percent saying they hate being ?targeted? by ads. Moreover, the study reveals that this level of ad targeting may not be working as intended: 7 out of 10 consumers claim*digital ads are irrelevant despite*targeting*— even as, according to Statista,*marketers plan to spend*9.5 billion*on personalization and hypertargeting campaigns in*2024. ?Today?s consumers are acutely aware of their social and economic environment and hold higher expectations for the brands that target them, sometimes relentlessly, based on the very traits that define their individuality,? said Gladwell. ?This study is crucial in revealing the underlying biases that often inadvertently shape marketing strategies.? Key findings from the report include:* 44 Percent of Americans Feel Ignored by Media and Most Advertisers; Consumers will Pay More for Brands that Support Their Values:*It?s not one demographic of consumers who feel this way: they span geographies (urban, suburban and rural), races and ethnicities.* Additionally, 72 percent of consumers state that they don?t want to buy products from advertisers that are ignoring them, and 75 percent are willing to pay more for brands that share their values. American Vs. Marketers Purchasing Thresholds are Starkly Different, with Americans Consulting Family and Friends and Saving Up for Purchases of $100.*The path to purchase is much longer for consumers vs. marketers. Consumers make purchase decisions after seeking approval, researching and saving, over weeks or even months, for purchases of $100. Marketers can make purchases – even those exceeding $1,000 – without permission from others, in a matter of hours or days. Marketers Love Personalization, but Consumers are Creeped Out:*67 percent of consumers hate being trailed by targeted ads.*Moreover, this hyper-targeting may not be working as intended: 7 out of 10 of these consumers say that these digital ads are irrelevant to them despite marketers? targeting efforts. Instead, 82 percent of consumers say they are influenced by their communities, friends, family and religious leaders ? notably not by professional influencers ? potentially revealing a new way to target audiences by messaging those around them who play important roles in their lives. Cool for One, Cringe for Another: The Polarizing Preferences: While consumers love to try their luck at*lotto, purchasing lottery tickets is something*marketers find cringe-worthy.*Conversely, while marketers enjoy many health and diet trends, consumers find cold plunges and vegan/vegetarian diets cringeworthy. Consumers Double Down on Religion and Law and Order, Marketers Focus Elsewhere:*Consumers place twice the emphasis marketers do on religion and law and order, despite both groups agreeing on the primary values of family, health and safety. Marketers’ Luxuries vs. Consumers’ Realities: The Great Divide: While marketers define luxury items as designer labels and accessories, consumers are more focused on luxury as practical indulgences like buying brand name paper towels and premium-grade meat. ?The key here is for us as marketers to check our own biases at the door. We see this all the time – for example, when marketers who live in big cities and don?t commute as often as the average American don?t necessarily understand the huge role that broadcast radio and podcasts play in people?s lives, particularly in the car,? said Conal Byrne, CEO of the iHeart Digital Audio Group. ?Consumers spend about one-third of their media time with audio, but marketers lag in matching that time with media spend — and often underestimate the real usage of broadcast radio, which makes up over two-thirds of all audio listening.? The findings were presented by Conal Byrne, CEO of iHeartMedia?s Digital Audio Group, and Malcom Gladwell at iHeartMedia?s AudioCon 2024 today, September 10 at 4 p.m.*ET in New York City at iHeartMedia?s HQ. Consumer Methodology: This poll was conducted between May 3 and May 5, 2024 among a national sample of 2,202 U.S. adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on gender, educational attainment, age, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of +/-2 percentage points. Marketer Methodology: This poll was conducted between May 7 to May 13, 2024 among a national sample of 237 Marketer and Agency contacts from The Advertiser Perceptions Ad Pros Community and trusted third-party partners as needed. Our Ad Pros Community represents the brands and agencies that are spending the most on advertising and marketing in the U.S. We continuously update, supplement, and refine the community based on movement in the market. With qualifications of, employed in the U.S., involved in media brand selection decisions, $1 million minimum ad spend next 12 months. Ignored Consumer Methodology: This poll was conducted May 30 to June 2, 2024, among a national sample of 1,651 U.S. adults between the ages of 18-64.* The interviews were conducted online and data was weighted to a target sample reflective of the gender, age, race and regional make-up of the U.S. according to the last Census. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:40 PM
    From Radio Insight: Bloomberg LP’s LMA of iHeartMedia’s 960 KNEW Oakland/103.7 KOSF-HD2 San Francisco will come to an end on September 30 without a renewal. The station is running sweepers directing listeners to Bloomberg’s app starting October 1. Bloomberg began operating KNEW under a ten year LMA in September 2014. Bloomberg will continue to be heard on their 1130 WBBR New York and 1450/106.1 WNBP Newburyport MA, Audacy’s 99.1 WDCH Bowie MD/Washington DC and 105.7 WJZ-HD2 Catonsville/Baltimore MD, and Beasley’s 92.9 WBOS Brookline/Boston MA following its move from 1330/106.1 WRCA earlier this month. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:40 PM
    From Radio Online: The Top U.S. and Global Publishers andamp; Networks and Top U.S. Podcast rankings for August are now available from Podtrac. Highlights of the July, 2024 rankings include: U.S. UMA was up for thirteen of the U.S. ranking participants in August over July, while eleven of the U.S. ranking participants were up on More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:00 PM
    From Radio Insight: Skyview Networks’ “B-Dub Radio” hosted by Bryan ‘B-Dub’ Washington has been added back to nights on Hubbard Radio Country 92.3 WIL-FM St. Louis. WIL-FM previously carried “B-Dub Radio” soon after its launch in weekdays in 2020 until the summer of 2022. Hubbard St. Louis Operations Manager/Program Director Tommy Mattern said, “B-Dub is an incredible talent, and we are extremely excited to have him back on 92.3 WIL”. Washington commented, “WIL is one of the best country stations in America, and I’m thrilled to be back on in St. Louis! Thanks to Tommy Mattern, Marty Brooks and Greg Strassell for being believers!? more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:00 PM
    From Radio Online: B-Dub Radio, through its syndication partner Skyview Networks, returns Bryan "B-Dub" Washington to Hubbard Radio's WIL-FM in St. Louis, adding the station to its affiliate roster. Starting this week, B-Dub is bringing the Country music party to St. Louis. B-Dub Radio airs five hours daily, Monday through More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:00 PM
    From Radio Online: Audacy's initiative, "I'm Listening," continues with its ongoing mental health dialogue by advocating and elevating stories through its annual broadcast special on Wednesday, September 25, from 7-9pm local time. In partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 03:00 PM
    From Radio Online: iHeartMedia, in collaboration with Malcolm Gladwell's Pushkin Industries, has released its second annual study, "The New American Consumer 2.0," shedding light on a growing disconnect between American consumers and the marketers trying to reach them. The study found that nearly More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 02:22 PM
    From Radio Online: CRB and CRS are now accepting applications for the Lisa McKay Women in Radio Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to honor the legacy of of late radio programmer Lisa McKay, who remains an inspiration to aspiring female leaders. The application window is open from now until More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 02:22 PM
    From Radio Online: The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has released a new Broadcast Station Self-Inspection Guide for AM radio stations, marking the third in a series of self-inspection guides. NAB unveiled guides for FM radio and television stations at the 2024 NAB Show in April. These tools are designed to help More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 01:40 PM
    From Radio Insight: As is often the case, Wednesday?s radio news brought two interestingly timed headlines.* Audacy?s Soft AC KSWD (The Sound) Seattle became Hot AC Emma 94.1. iHeart?s WMIA (Magic 93.9), which plays mostly English-language Soft AC with Spanish-language hosts, was up 4.8-5.9, its best share in more than 15 years, according to ratings expert Chris Huff. After years of doing multiple variants of AC, Magic 93.9 became a rare instant success last fall. The Sound was one of the stations, along with iHeart?s KISQ (The Breeze) San Francisco, that helped touch off a format boom among major owners and in large markets. For a few years, Soft AC transcended its ?too hard to sell? or ?only for Florida? images. Some of the format-rush stations left relatively quickly, including Audacy?s WDZH Detroit and iHeart?s WISX Philadelphia. Others, like Cox?s WFEZ (Easy 93) Miamievolved to more of a pop-based Classic Hits approach, still softer than much of the Bon Jovi/Survivor-driven format, but not quite Soft AC. CKRA (The Breeze) Edmonton, Alberta,and several Stingray sister stations have brightened lately. Others at the edge of the format, like KDRI (The Drive) Tucson, Ariz.,have taken shape more as ?60s/?70s Oldies. The Soft AC boom also found itself diluted from outside. Existing iHeart Mainstream AC stations such as WLTW (Lite FM) New Yorkadded some soft titles to cover their bases. Songs like ?Hard to Say I?m Sorry? by Chicago or ?Right Here Waiting? by Richard Marx got to stay in the format, although other early Soft AC signature titles, such as ?Nothing?s Gonna Change My Love for You? by Glenn Medeiros, are evanescing again. Mainstream AC?s 2010s edginess, driven by the rise of CHR, has softened, particularly as most current music has disappeared from the format. That could change with a few more Sabrina Carpenters and Chappel Roans, but there would have to be a consistent upturn in CHR?s fortunes at AC?s expense, something which hasn?t happened yet.* Classic Hits has also moved closer to both Mainstream and Soft AC?s territory. KOLA Riverside, Calif.,one of the format?s best-kept secrets for years, exerts more influence on the format now, with its continued push into 2K music. Even older Soft AC signatures like Stevie Wonder?s ?I Just Called to Say I Love You? have a bigger footprint at Classic Hits than they did during the Soft AC boom. Then there?s the ongoing brightening that seems to take place at Soft AC, which usually starts almost immediately when a station makes the first decision to test or play, say, ?Sunglasses at Night? or ?Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This),? songs that are long defanged for their listeners. In the hour monitored below, Magic 93.9 has songs that both identify it as Soft AC (?That?s What Friends Are For?) and others like ?Smooth Criminal? that may be safe and familiar, but not relaxing. The last song on the old KSWD was ?No Scrubs.? Soft AC has always been a test of whether station owners and sales staffs really wanted to be there. At the end, The Sound was fifth in the market, 6-plus, and up 4.0-4.3. It continues to have significant success stories, including WLIT (Lite FM) Chicago,KBEB (The Breeze) Sacramento, and KISQ. Notably, those stations are owned by iHeart, which also operates the Classic Hits stations least afraid to play the early ?70s and, at Christmas time, the stations most willing to go heavily into Nat ?King? Cole and Bing Crosby era-artists. The success of KISQ, then KSWD, were examples of how owners were hesitant to respond to a format?s first success story, but easily spurred to action by the second or third. So far, even iHeart hasn?t rushed to recreate Magic 93.9 elsewhere, except for stations in Fort Myers, Fla., and an FM translator in Tucson. But that may change this week.* Here?s Magic 93.9 at 2 p.m., Sept. 4: Dionne Warwick & Friends, ?That?s What Friends Are For? Jimmy Cliff, ?I Can See Clearly Now? Juan Luis Guerra, ?Bachata Rosa??from 1990, although the Spanish-language music often tends to be newer than other titles Matthew Wilder, ?Break My Stride? Backstreet Boys, ?Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely? Culture Club, ?Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? Michael Jackson, ?Smooth Criminal? Mana, ?Mariposa Tracionera? Berlin, ?Take My Breath Away? Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle, ?A Whole New World? Pet Shop Boys, ?Always on My Mind? Men at Work, ?Down Under? Simply Red, ?If You Don?t Know Me by Now:* Here?s a recent listen to WLIT just before 11 a.m., July 19: Pink, ?Perfect? Prince, ?Kiss? Maroon 5, ?Daylight? Righteous Brothers, ?Unchained Melody? REO Speedwagon, ?Can?t Fight This Feeling? Fugees, ?Killing Me Softly? Madonna, ?Holiday? Bon Jovi, ?Wanted Dead or Alive? Christina Aguilera, ?Beautiful? Bill Withers, ?Lean on Me? John Mellencamp, ?Small Town? Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories, ?Stay (I Missed You)? Here?s Seattle?s The Sound just before 11 a.m., August 30, a few days before its change: Wilson Phillips, ?Hold On? Eurythmics, ?Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)? Lady Gaga, ?Poker Face? Crowded House, ?Don?t Dream It?s Over? Patrick Swayze, ?She?s Like the Wind? Beyonc?, ?Irreplaceable? Maroon 5, ?Sugar? John Mellencamp, ?Small Town? Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars, ?Uptown Funk? Backstreet Boys, ?I Want It That Way? Michael Jackson, ?The Way You Make Me Feel? Timbaland & OneRepublic, ?Apologize? Belinda Carlisle, ?Heaven Is a Place on Earth? Daryl Hall & John Oates, ?Maneater? more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 10:40 AM
    From Radio Online: Dickey Broadcasting Company appoints Andy Roth as Director of Programming for DBC's heritage Sports/Talk WCNN andamp; W229AG (Sports Radio 680/93.7 FM The Fan) in Atlanta. The 30-year industry veteran has been the sole Brand Manager for WKRK (92.3 The Fan) in Cleveland since it signed on in 2011 and currently More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 10:40 AM
    From Radio Insight: Andy Roth is departing his role as Brand Manager of Audacy Sports “92.3 The Fan” WKRK-FM Cleveland to join Dickey Broadcasting Company Sports “680/93.7 The Fan” WCNN Atlanta. Roth has programmed WKRK-FM since its flip to Sports in 2011. He previously held roles as Program Director of WGR Buffalo from 2003 to 2011, was Multimedia Coordinator for Major League Baseball where he launched the streaming “MLB Radio” from 2000-2003 and held producer roles WIP Philadelphia, WMAQ Chicago, WFAN New York, and One On One Sports. Roth will be responsible for managing and coaching DBC?s long-standing and proven prime-time lineup of talented talk show hosts, four regional sports networks including the Atlanta Braves Radio Network, a growing Digital Department, and Dickey’s Production Department. He commented, ?I?m thrilled to join the staff of this heritage radio station. David Dickey?s team has been an important part of Atlanta?s sports scene for over 3 decades, and I can?t wait to experience everything from the Atlanta Braves to the crowning of a college football champion in Atlanta as the calendar turns to 2025!? Dickey Broadcasting President David Dickey said, “We are thrilled to welcome Andy Roth to the Dickey Broadcasting Company family. His extensive experience and strategic acumen will be instrumental in driving our programming and content-creation strategies forward to provide Atlantans and the region?s sports fans with the best shows, insight, and analysis. We are very confident that Andy?s experience and leadership will help us achieve new levels of consumption and listener engagement for our listeners, our team partners, and our great sponsors.? more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 10:00 AM
    From Radio Insight: WXXI Public Media has appointed Chris Hastings as President/CEO effective November 11. Hastings, who will succeed the retiring Norm Silverstein, joins the organization after over two decades at WGBH Boston. He currently serves as Executive Producer and Editor-In-Chief of the World Channel. During his tenure at WGBH, he worked on the television side with time as a producer, post production supervisor, led the WGBH Lab to experiment and has led World Channel since 2012. He began his career at BET where he spent six years on the production team of “BET Tonight”. Hastings commented, ?Joining WXXI and coming to Rochester is more than just a career move ? it?s a chance to be part of a community-focused organization that understands the transformative power of local media. WXXI?s work demonstrates how a local station can act as a pillar of support, education, and cultural enrichment for its community, and I am excited to lead and expand upon this essential mission.? WXXI Board of Trustees chain David Tang said, “Chris is an extraordinary leader whose career reflects a profound dedication to public media and its role in serving all communities. His extensive experience, from his early days at BET to his dynamic leadership at GBH, uniquely positions him to lead WXXI with vision, integrity, and a deep commitment to diversity.? WXXI Public Media owns Public News/Talk 1370 WXXI/105.9 WXXI-FM and 90.3 WXXY Houghton, Classical 91.5 WXXO and operates University of Rochester licensed AAA “88.5 The Route” WRUR Rochester and Hobart and William Smith College’s “90.1 The Route” WITH-FM Ithaca NY along with WXXI-TV, a local publication CITY Magazine, and The Little Theatre. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 08:20 AM
    From Radio Insight: Lake Broadcasting flipped AC “B101” 1340 WFEB/100.9 W265DV Sylacauga AL to Classic Rock “100.9 The Mountain” over Labor Day weekend. Positioning as “East Central Alabama’s Classic Station”, WFEB is continuing to feature a number of sports play-by-play content including University of Alabama and Sylacuaga High School football and Atlanta Braves baseball. A different high school coach joins morning host Bruce Carr at 7:30am each weekday. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 07:40 AM
    From Radio Insight: Loud Media has combined Classic Hits “Star Radio 93.3” 1160 WSSV Mechanicville/93.3 W227DW Saratoga Springs and Variety Hits “93.5 Lake George Radio” WLGR Warrensburg/Glens Falls NY into a combined Classic Hits brand “Lake-FM“. The stations are both running identical music logs and on-air lineups with distinct spotloads. Longtime area talent Walt Adams is hosting mornings from 7 to 10am along with “Sunday Jazz” on Sunday mornings from 7-9am. ‘Rick Foxx’ Woodhouse follows in middays from 10am to 3pm. Marissa Lanchak continues in afternoons. The revamped music programming focuses on pop hits from the 1970s through 90s. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 10th, 2024, 12:00 AM
    From Radio Online: As previously reported, a new station hit the airwaves in New York, powered by cloud technology. TJ98.7: A Pop-Up Station launched on Saturday, August 31, taking over the former frequency of ESPN Radio, WEPN-FM. The station is a collaboration between Radio.Cloud, United Stations More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 07:20 PM
    From Radio Online: Ham Broadcasting Company has acquired five stations from Sound Broadcasters in Madisonville, KY -- some of which put a signal into Evansville, IN. The FCC granted the license transfer August 29. Included in the deal are WKTG-FM (Power Rock 93.9), Classic Country WFMW-AM (730) and three translators W235AC-FM More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 05:21 PM
    From Radio Insight: Liberty Media Corporation and Sirius XM Holdings Inc. announced that the merger of Liberty’s SiriusXM tracking stock into SiriusXM itself has been completed. The deal, announced last December, saw Liberty spin-off its LSXM tracking stock and then combine with the company itself with Liberty?s shareholders receiving a 1 share of the new company for each share they hold. Current SiriusXM shareholders would also receive 1 share of the new company for each share they currently hold. Liberty shareholders will continue to hold approximately 81% of the company with the public holding the other 19%. Sirius XM Holdings will have a single outstanding series of common stock and will begin trading at market open on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol ?SIRI?. Liberty Media?s Liberty Formula One common stock and Liberty Live common stock will continue trading following the Split-Off and Merger on the Nasdaq Global Select Market or the OTC Markets, as applicable. more
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 03:51 PM
    From Radio Online: The Country Music Association has announced the nominations of the 2024 CMA Broadcast Awards on Monday morning. Nominated for Major Market Radio Station of the Year is Cox Media Group's KCYY (Y100) in San Antonio, Urban One's KKBQ (93Q) in Houston, Bonneville's KYGO in Denver, Beasley Media Group's WXTU in More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 03:51 PM
    From Radio Online: Legendary Utah Broadcaster Jan A. Bagley, who was a Senior Marketing Strategist with Redrock Media, has died. He was 78. Bagley passed away on Wednesday, September 4 in St. George Utah from complications following routine surgery. He enjoyed a distinguished 52 years in Utah Broadcasting, holding sales, sales More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 03:51 PM
    From Radio Online: Press Communications' WWZY andamp; WBHX-FM (107-1 The Boss) in New Jersey names Cane Peterson its new PM drive host for "The Cane Show" weekdays. Additionally, Cane will add Music Director duties. He'll be joined in PM drive by traffic anchor Britney Trumpey, station meteorologist Nor'easter Nick Pittman and More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 03:51 PM
    From Radio Insight: Press Communications Classic Rock “107.1 The Boss” WWZY Long Branch/99.7 WBHX Tuckerton NJ has announced the promotion of Cane Peterson to afternoon host and Ralphie Aversa to evening host. Peterson joined WWZY as evening host in April 2022 following his exit from mornings at Audacy?s ?Alt 92.3? WNYL New York where he and ‘Corey B’ were also syndicated to Baltimore, Buffalo, Detroit, Miami and Orlando. Prior to joining WNYL in 2018, Peterson hosted mornings, afternoons, and nights at Hot AC “Fresh 102.7” WNEW from 2014-18. He also hosted nights and afternoons at ?92.3 K-Rock? WXRK along with Lee ?Crazie Cabbie? Mroszak. Peterson also has worked at VH-1, multiple outlets in the Minneapolis market, CHR “Z100″ WHTZ and multiple SiriusXM channels. Cane will be joined in afternoons by meteorologist ‘Nor?easter Nick’ Pittman, traffic reporter Britney Trumpey and newscaster Hunter Farman. Cane said, ?Thankful to Robby and CEO Bob McAllan for this opportunity. Working for a company that still believes in local radio is incredible and Robby is a guy who’s passion for it makes me remember why I loved radio in the first place.” Ralphie Aversa, who has been with WWZY as a weekend host since October 2021, will take over weeknights (other than Wednesdays) and continuing to host “Totally 80s Saturday Night”. He also serves as an entertainment reporter for USA Today. Aversa hosted nights and late nights at Cumulus Hot AC 95.5 WPLJ New York from 2012 to 2019 and previously worked at WBHT Scranton and WWHT Syracuse. During his time with WPLJ, Aversa also tracked shifts at WBHT, WPRO-FM Providence, and WQGN-FM Groton CT. He later tracked shifts for current WWZY/WBHX PD/morning host Robby Bridges at Country WOKQ Portsmouth NH. Aversa commented, ?Thank you to Robby Bridges for building such a unique and fun radio station. Of course, it also happens thanks to Bob McAllan and Press Communications. I’m thankful to be a part of the family and am excited about returning to weeknights in the Tri State!” WWZY/WBHX VP/Programming Robby Bridges added, ?We believe in personality driven content and this new 1-2 punch in PM and nights with Cane and Ralphie elevates The Boss to the highest levels. I?m thrilled to work with two 21st century super jocks as part of our all star team!? The moves follow the exit of afternoon host Paul Van Dusen this summer. Van Dusen joined WWZY in May 2021 after previously spending a decade at sister Country “Thunder 106” 106.3 WKMK/106.5 WTHJ until July 2020. He also has worked at Classic Rock “105.7 The Hawk” WCHR-FM in the Monmouth/Ocean market and WEDG/WGRF Buffalo and WRKT Erie PA in his career. more
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    September 9th, 2024, 03:10 PM
    From Radio Online: For the last ten years, Edison Research's quarterly "Share of Ear" study has been the authoritative examination of time spent with audio in America. Edison surveys 4,000 Americans annually to measure daily reach and time spent with all forms of audio. The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 02:30 PM
    From Radio Online: Veteran Hispanic marketing expert Lupe De Los Santos joined HRN Hispanic Radio Networks as Chief Cultural Officer. Drawing on his 25 years of experience in the U.S. Hispanic/Latinx marketing space at advertising agencies and brands, De Los Santos will help grow the HRN brand. He's worked at New York/Boston More...
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  • Colorado Media Newsroom's Avatar
    September 9th, 2024, 02:30 PM
    From Radio Online: Skyview Networks has announced an expansion with its NFL partner the New York Jets through a new deal with the Jets' radio rightsholder iHeartMedia in New York. Beginning this football season, Skyview will serve as the team's play-by-play distribution provider, serving the Jets Radio More...
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